Having been renowned for his work on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) and Brokeback Mountain (2005), Oscar-winning director Ang Lee looks set to deliver another masterpiece in the shape of The Life of Pi which has unveiled its official trailer.
The film which is adapted from Yann Martel’s best-selling novel and tells the story of a young Indian boy named Pi Patel (played by newcomer Suraj Sharma) whose father is a zookeeper. When the ship he is traveling on is sunk during a raging storm, he finds himself lost at sea in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger, a zebra, a hyena and an orangutan.
Tobey Maguire (Spiderman, Seabiscuit) and Gerard Depardieu (Cyrano De Bergerac, Green Card) co-star in the glorious-looking film which features some immaculate cinematography and is already being tipped as one of next year’s big Oscar contenders.
It will be released in the UK on December 21st.
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