Vote for your favourite film of January!

First things first, I apologise for the lateness of this poll. Work has been rather hectic for me at the moment but I completely forgot about my monthly polls!

Before talking about voting for your favourite film of January, I can reveal that the results are in for my Best film of 2013 edition. In the end, it was a rather comfortable victory for Quentin Tarantino’s Western classic Django Unchained which secured 9 picks ahead of Gravity and Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa. Thanks to those who made their choices.

The New Year has already produced some remarkable films that attracted my attention ahead of the Oscar run-in. Amongst those include the superb 12 Years a Slave, a film that was universally raved about despite its horrific depiction of slavery and American Hustle, a film that has been so diverse amongst audiences despite its starry cast.

A special word should also go to Martin Scorsese’s riotous flick The Wolf of Wall Street, which features a career-high performance from Leonardo Di-Caprio, an hysterical sequence involving lemon pills and best of all, a naked Margot Robbie! šŸ˜›

Once again, I ask for your votes and will continue to be grateful for the usual support. Here’s hoping 2014 is a busy one people!

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