This coming Monday sees the arrival of Killing Eve’s third series, which already promises to be another wild ride. The award-winning BBC show has garnered a strong cult following in the last couple of years with most of its praise going to Liverpudlian actress Jodie Comer and her mesmerising performance as Villanelle.
The flamboyant Russian assassin is back again for this new series so it’s only right to pay tribute to the character via this GIF-based article which focuses on her best expressions / moments.
Oops, Sorry Not Sorry
Looking in the Mirror
Hide and Seek (#1)
What do you say?
Hide and Seek (#2)
The calm before the storm
Weapon love
Dinner Invite
The feelings of a psychopath
Here comes trouble
Take me to the Hole!
‘Bad’ advice
Having to wear crocs
Hiding your disgust
Screaming contest
An anxious wait
When something doesn’t smell right
Help, I need somebody….
When boredom sets in
This Little Piggy
How a bad night out feels
Maniacal laughing
How boredom REALLY feels
Excessive eating
That’s my girl
And here are five more to look forward to from this upcoming series!
Don’t mess with this clown!
Holding a tune
Uh Oh
Shadowing Elton John
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