After winning an Oscar for his animated western Rango earlier this year, director Gore Verbinski is heading back to the old west with his big screen adaptation of the popular TV series The Lone Ranger. Following the release of its teaser trailer back in October, a new preview with additional footage has been unleashed today.
The film stars Johnny Depp (who worked with Verbinski on Pirates of the Caribbean and Rango) as the Native American Tonto who teams up with lawman John Reid (Armie Hammer) to try and take down a corrupted villain.
The new footage shows Reid finding himself alone on top of a wooden tower after being hunted by the law but eventually encountering Tonto who leads him on his mission to redemption. We also get a glimpse of Helena Bonham Carter (Harry Potter series, The King’s Speech) in action as the film’s possible heroine. Easily the stand-out moment of the trailer shows our two heroes facing a life-or-death predicament with a derailed train heading towards them.
Tom Wilkinson (The Full Monty, Batman Begins), William Fitchner (Blades of Glory, The Dark Knight), Barry Pepper (Saving Private Ryan, True Grit) and James Bridge Dale (The Departed, Shame) round off the experienced group of supporting actors.
Another key production detail is the music which is being performed, produced and written by Jack White who makes his musical score debut in film.
The Lone Ranger is released in summer 2013.
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